Hello! My name is Connor McLoon. I am a Computer Science Undergraduate with the University of Florida!
I work with the Florida Institute for National Security in the Applied Artifical Intelligence Group.
My research mainly pertains to Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), and I am currenlty working on multiple papers.
On my free time, I like to play Factorio, read, or paint. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Currently, the only resarch I am able to disclose is listed below
Title (Tentative): Comparison of Modern MARL algorithms in SMACv2 using a Standardized Benchmarking System.
Principle Investigator: Dr. Damon L. Woodard, dwoodard@ece.ufl.edu
Institution: Florida Institute for National Security (FINS), Department: UF Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
Start: Spring 2024 (8 months afiliated)
Research Focus: This paper focuses mainly on tracking the development of different Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms. The Starcraft Multi-Agent Challenge version 2 (SMACV2) offers a standardized testing environment for MARL algorithms, as well as BenchMARL, which offers a unique and effective framework for conducting tests with varying configurations. Taking advantage of all these tools, this paper aims to provide an up-to-date review of the field of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.
Image sourced from SMACV2 Githup repo.
Major: Computer Science
Minor: Artifical Intelligence
Distinctions: University Scholars Program, Innovation Academy

Relevant Courses
COT3100: Applications of Discrete Structures
COP3530: Data Structures and Algoirthms
COP4020: Programming Language Concepts
COP4533: Algorithm Abstraction and Design
CNT4007: Computer Network Fundamentals
COP4600: Operating Systems
A link to download my full CV is at the bottom of this section.
Notable Sections Include:

High School: Stanton College Prep
College: University of Florida: Bachelors in Computer Science, Minor in Artifical Intelligence: Spring 2025

University of Florida Innovation Academy
University of Florida University Scholars Program
Diverse Undergraduate Research Experience

Notable Work Experience
Professional Full Stack Developer (1.5 yrs)
Undergraduate Research Assistant (1+ yrs - Present)

Please download my full CV Below!
Contact me at cmcloon@ufl.edu